Student Business Services


Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Funding

Delta State University is in partnership with the WIN Job Centers in the Delta Region to assist students with tuition and fees through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is a financial assistance program designed to help students finish school and find employment. Delta State is a training provider under the WIOA and works in conjunction with WIN Job Centers to assist students in applying for funding. Tools for applying for funding can be found below.

Delta WIOA Program Requirements

  1. Must be within final three semesters of school (*four if nursing student)
  2. Must be first bachelor’s degree
  3. Must have overall GPA of 2.0
  4. Must be enrolled in at least 12 hours per semester unless the final semester
  5. Must be a resident of the Mississippi Delta

Application Process

  1. Complete the WIOA Pre-Qualification Survey (email Erica Spiller, WIOA Coordinator)
  2. Pre-register for classes for the term.
  3. Complete an application.
  4. Complete a program of study form with advisor’s signature (form should be approved three semesters prior to graduation).
  5. Submit completed application and program of study form to Student Business Services: Office 134.

The WIN Job Center determines if a student is officially eligible to receive WIOA funding.

WIOA Approved Degrees

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

  • Computer Information Systems
  • Healthcare Administration

Bachelor of Science (BS)

  • Biology
  • Nursing (RN to BSN)

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)

  • Geospatial Analysis & Intelligence

Mississippi Eligible Training Provider List

DSU WIOA Coordinator:
Erica Spiller, 662-846-4830,